
Video Practices: 220, 320 and 420

Final Project: Due______12/5______

 Description-This final project involves the reading of lyrics and listening to the music by the band The Northstar Session. You will be creating a video in response to these lyrics. Each video student will be assigned lyrics and will use this as a place to conjure from.  For your final project you may use any video techniques acquired in this class as well as any additional video skills you may have. This assignment is designed to challenge critical thinking skills while developing creative problem solving skills.


 Please include the band name and song title in your credits..

 The band has agreed to pick one class video from the class to put up on there website.

 ****On the day of the final you will show your video along with a one page typed statement explaining how you used the lyrics as inspiration for your video.


Troubleshooting: Final Cut Pro

 Importing video into FCP from a Samaung– Create a folder in Thaw Space. Drag videos into folder from camera. Open each clip using MPEG Stream clip. Save as a .mov.  Drag clips into FCP.

 Importing video into FCP from a JVC- See the attached hand out.

 For basic editing in FCP see handout on top 10 things to know about FCP. is a great pay tutorial site and You Tube has video tutorials on final cut pro, but can be hard to find what you may be looking for. 


Final Project: Due___5/6/____


Description-This final project involves reading a poem from Brain Turner’s advanced poetry class and creating a video in response. Each video student will be assigned a poem and will use this as a place to conjure from.  For your final project you may use any video techniques acquired in this class as well as any additional video skills you may have. This assignment is designed to challenge critical thinking skills while developing creative problem solving skills.


 Please include the poem in its entirety in your credits.


****On the day of the final you will show your video along with a one page typed statement explaining how you used the poem as inspiration for your video.

 Troubleshooting: Final Cut Pro


Importing video into FCP from a Samsung – Create a folder in Thaw Space. Drag videos into folder from camera. Open each clip using MPEG Stream clip. Save as a .mov.  Drag clips into FCP.


Importing video into FCP from a JVC- See the attached hand out.


For basic editing in FCP see handout on top 10 things to know about FCP. is a great pay tutorial site and You Tube has video tutorials on final cut pro, but can be hard to find what you may be looking for.


 © 2021 Rick Parsons  All rights reserved (Created with Sandvox)