
Sample Assignments:

Ceramics: 310 and 410 Example Assignment ; Final Project: Due___12/7/____


Description-This final project involves listening to an episode of Radio Lab                     on NPR. This radio show will be used as a place to conjure from and you will create a piece based on the topics presented in this radio show.  For your final project you may use any ceramic techniques acquired in this class as well as any additional skills you may have. This assignment is designed to challenge critical thinking skills while developing creative problem solving skills.


****On the day of the final you will show your finished piece along with a one paragraph typed statement explaining how you used the radio show as inspiration for your final.

“ Desperately Seeking Symmetry “ http://www.radiolab.org/2011/apr/18/


“This hour of Radiolab, Jad and Robert set out in search of order and balance in the world around us, and ask how symmetry shapes our very existence--from the origins of the universe, to what we see when we look in the mirror.

Along the way, we look for love in ancient Greece , head to modern-day Princeton to peer inside our brains, and turn up an unlikely headline from the Oval Office circa 1979.”

“ Radio Archive”Radio Lab. © 1995-2011 http://www.radiolab.org/2011/apr/18/

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