3D Practices 

Sample Assignment prompt:

Course Number: SCLP 310             Rick Parsons

Course Title: Intermediate/Advanced 3-Dimensional Practice

Introduction to idea development and problem solving using woodworking techniques.

This assignment combines the technique and practice of woodworking with skills of analysis, synthesis and problem solving. For this assignment we will watch the film Baraka. This film has no conventional plot, it portrays a collection high quality scenes from around the world depicting culture, nature, pattern and life. Students will watch and conjure from the film. 

Students will

  • watch Baraka while taking notes and drawing in their sketchbooks
  • use their problem-solving skills to come up with the best way to give their drawings and ideas three-dimensional form based on the techniques and strategies demonstrated
  • present a drawing and/or model before starting wood sculpture (peer)
  • turn their drawings and notes into a sculpture using wood and woodworking techniques 

Upon completion of the assignment students will be involved in a group critique of the work. Here, the students will have the opportunity to discuss the decisions that they have made with their peers and their faculty. 

At the end of the assignment student will fill out a self-assessment form, which will address creativity, content, craftspersonship and participation.  

****Students should be prepared to discuss their creative process and their problem solving strategies in a one page written reflection. 

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